Astarte Creative is an international team of entertainment specialists that provides high-end talent booking services and creative event production for corporate events, private parties, weddings, nightlife, and PR initiatives worldwide.

Themed Entertainment

Carnival | Circus Spectacular


Sword Swallowers | Jugglers | Knife and Machete Jugglers | Acrobats and Tumblers | Cigarette Girls | Snake Charmers and Dancers | Human Blockhead | Human Cinder block | Bed of Nails | Contortionists | Strongmen | Knife Throwers | Clowns | Fire Breathers  | Sideshow Characters | Fire Breathers | Glass and Razor Eaters | Glass Walkers | Burlesque Lion Tamer Performance | Illusionists and Magicians | Mentalists | Cyr Wheel | Aerialists | Foot Archery | Snake Charmers | Cirque Dancers


Photo: Maggie Marguerite, Glorify Creative, Eric Vitale, Mark Shelby Perry

Shien Lee